15. Tidy
Are you a tidy person?
Definitely. I love seeing my things organized. I often try to clean my home and work space on a daily basis.
Are all of your family members tidy?
Yes. Especially my mom, she is obsessed with cleaning. She’s always trying to keep everything neat and spotless. That’s why she sometimes complains about my brother throwing his dirty clothes everywhere.
Are you tidier at home or at work/ (school)?
At work (school) definitely. I think it’s totally fine to create a mess in my own room but it would be unacceptable to throw stuff in public places. In fact, I’ve never forgotten to clean up my desk before leaving work/ school.
1. On a daily basis: everyday
Restaurant just open almost on a daily basis
2. Obsessed (with) (adj) unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something
16. Family & Friends
1. Do you have a large family or small family?
Well, my immediate family has only 4 members including my father, my mother, my brother and me. But I have a close-knit large extended family including many uncles, aunts, and cousins who keep in touch with one another very often and always gather together at special times.
2. How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?
I’ve been living in Hanoi which is 60 kilometers from my parents’ house. Therefore, I can only visit them on weekends. When I get back home, I try to spend most of the time with my parents. We talk about our daily stuff and update each other on what’s going on in our lives.
3. Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?
I have a lot of friends, but only few close friends. And I think it’s easy to make friends, just be a friend. Treat people respectfully, and the way you would like to be treated in return. That is how you can have lots of friends!
17. Arts
– What forms of visual art are popular in your country?
Because Vietnam has much cultural and natural diversity and a long history, we take pride in various types of visual art ranging from painting, sculpture, crafts, and drawing. Take Dong Ho Folk painting, for example. With a unique drawing-printing technique using raw materials and all-natural colors, this kind of art is preserved not only by the government but by all Vietnamese people.
– Are there any difference between the art in your country and the art in Western countries?
Since culture varies, there is a vast difference between art in Vietnam and western nations. There are some unique Vietnamese art styles, such as stilt houses and martial arts, that we do not see in the western world. Having said that, as our country was dominated by France and China in the past, we were, to some extent, influenced by their artistic styles while maintaining our own.
1.A vast difference (collocation): sự khác biệt lớn
2.Having said that: tuy nhiên (=however)
3.Stilt house (n): nhà sàn
4.Martial art (n): võ thuật
– Do you want to be an artist?
Not really. Though I have a strong passion for drawing, I don’t expect to become an artist; that’s why I opted for Business as my university major. The reason is that being a successful artist is hard, especially for those from a middle-class family like me. I would have to hope that the public recognized my work of art to help me move from rags to riches. I don’t want to lead a difficult life to pursue my dreams.
1. Have a strong passion for: có niềm đam mê mãnh liệt với…
2.Middle class (adj): trung lưu
3.From rags to riches (idiom): đổi đời, từ nghèo lên giàu
18. Music
1. Do you like listening to music?
I love listening to music, especially US-UK. My favorite artists are Miley Cyrus and Troye Sivan; their songs always sound awesome to me.
2. When do you listen to music?
Basically I listen to music whenever I feel like doing so, but maybe I most often do that before going to sleep, when I’m on the bus, or when I don’t have any important tasks to work on.
3. Did you learn instruments?
I didn’t take up any musical instruments, and haven’t still. I have always wanted to learn to play the piano ever since I was a kid, but never got the chance too. I’m planning on getting some piano lessons this summer.
4. Did you have any music classes in school?
I used to have music classes back when I was in primary school and secondary school only. I really loved my music class in secondary school – for our midterm and final tests, we had to form a group of at least four and perform a certain song that we chose ourselves. It was so much fun.
5. Do you think it is necessary for children to have music classes?
In my opinion, children should always have music classes. Music has been scientifically proven to have positive influences on one’s way of thinking and feeling, so it will do people good if they can experience music from an early age.
6. What do you think of Vietnamese traditional music?
It’s not really to my taste, to be honest. I literally cannot listen to traditional kinds of music such as “ca tru”, “cai luong” or “cheo”. I really like listening to songs created during the war though. Maybe because my dad was a soldier, he often told me stories about his years in the army and so I can somehow relate deeply to those kinds of songs.
7.How much time do you spend listening to music every day?
It depends. I often listen to music when I’m doing the housework or when I’m on the bus. At that time, I feel like I can immerse myself in my own world. When I need to really concentrate on school work, I don’t really listen to music as it can cause some real unwelcomed distraction.
8.What is your favorite kind of music?
I don’t have a particular taste in music. I can pretty much listen to everything as long as it sounds good to me. Still, I can hardly listen to Vietnamese traditional music, some countries’ folk songs and several tracks belonging to the classical genre.
9.When did you start listening to this type of music?
[Let’s just say I’m into rock music]
The first time I heard a rock song was when my dad turned on the TV and there was a performance of a very famous rock band in Vietnam called “Buc Tuong”. It was amazing. I started searching for more songs from the Vietnamese band, and songs belonging to the same genre, and have decided ever since that rock music would be a part of my spiritual life.
10.How do you feel when you listening to music?
Relaxed and free, I guess. Music, to me, is a way of hiding from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. I listen to music when I’m under a lot of pressure, and I just feel so fine. It’s the feeling of finally coming home after years and years of living far away, I think.
Từ vựng thuộc chủ đề The Arts:
folk songs
Meaning: songs in the traditional style of a country or community
Example: Traditional folk songs are part of the cultural heritage of a nation or region.
Dịch đại ý
Folk songs: nhạc cổ truyền/ dân tộc
Nghĩa: những bài hát theo phong cách truyền thống của một đất nước hay một cộng đồng.
Ví dụ: những bài hát dân tộc cổ truyền là một phần di sản văn hóa của một quốc gia hay một
vùng miền.
to take up a musical instrument
Meaning: to start to learn to play a musical instrument
Example: Schools should encourage all those children who have an interest to take up a musical instrument.
Dịch đại ý
To take up a musical instrument: học chơi một nhạc cụ
Nghĩa: bắt đầu học để chơi được một nhạc cụ nào đó
Ví dụ: Trường học nên khuyến khích những học sinh mà có hứng thú chơi nhạc cụ.
genres of music
Meaning: particular types or styles of music
Example: Different genres of music tend to be favoured by different age groups, with classical music more popular among the elderly.
Dịch đại ý
Genres of music: thể loại âm nhạc
Nghĩa: những thể loại hay phong cách âm nhạc cụ thể
Ví dụ: Những thể loại âm nhạc khác nhau được yêu thích bởi những lứa tuổi khác nhau, như là nhạc cố điển thì được người cao tuổi ưa thích hơn.